I am a big fan of Jerry Seinfeld’s tv show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, which exists on Netflix. It is brilliant fun.

Typical of Jerry Seinfeld’s tv shows, nothing of any substance happens in the episodes. Jerry picks out a fancy car to use, picks up his guest, they drive to a coffee shop, and they banter. No big deal, right? Except that this is Jerry Seinfeld who excels at making “something’ out of “nothing.” And the guests are comedians. And the cars are gorgeous.

Each episode is 15-20 minutes long, and they are effervescent. I dare you not to feel better after just one of them.

Another comedian worth watching is JP Sears. He is brilliant at creating parodies of well-intentioned but clueless spiritual seekers. Plus he is fearless. You can find his content on YouTube.

Coming back to the land of tv, the BBC’s Graham Norton has a hilarious celebrity chat show. Why is it so good? Everyone is drinking alcohol during the taping, and Graham Norton is—shall we say—expressive.

Other good ideas include:
  • Music (especially 130 – 150 beats per minute) increases energy. Put on your favorites and stand up. It won’t be long until you are dancing.
  • Drag a chair into that spot of sunlight. Sit and soak up the light as well as boost your serotonin.
  • We all know cute baby animal videos warm our heart ❤️ .
  • Dig out those silly board games. Get the family to join you. Home alone? Google online games to play with friends. You don’t have to be Gen Z to connect through gaming.
  • If you want to get away from the internet, explore the humor genre of books. Crack open a book by David Sederis, Tina Fey, even Mark Twain! There’s nothing like witty satire.
  • Get out your pack of colored markers and coloring book! Playing with color is deeply satisfying. Invite your inner child to join the fun.
  • Listen to supportive podcasts or audiobooks.
  • Chat with a loved one when you’re feeling stuck or unmotivated. If they can’t physically join you for a walk, can bring them along with you on your phone.
  • Do yoga and/or circuits (shifting between cardio and muscle building exercises for 30 sec each). The goal: get the blood pumping enough to feel strong and vibrant in body and mind – it can be short and simple!
  • Create limits around social media, and keep it intentional. Use a timer—give yourself a time limit to get the most out of your time. Mindfully connect through posts and commenting, rather than just scrolling.

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