Pancha Karma

True health is more than freedom from disease, imbalance, and symptoms. One of the goals of Ayurveda is improving your quality of life while also increasing your longevity. As an active tradition reaching back over 3,000 years, Ayurveda and its therapies are deeply in tune with the way energies flow, grow, and heal. Ayurveda’s healing power reaches in to find the order in the disorder and to restore your access to the bliss for which you were born.


Poor dietary choices, lifestyle habits, seasonal changes, unresolved emotions, and stress can change the balance of our bodily energies. They inevitably disrupt the digestive fire — and ultimately result in poorly digested foods and metabolic wastes (“ama”). Accumulated ama enters the bloodstream, collects at the joints, clogs the channels, and settles in the weaker spots of the body. Emotions, information, and experiences that are not well-digested by the mind also create ama that lodges in the subconscious mind and the body’s tissues. Over time your life force, immunity, and cellular integrity are negatively affected. From this state, degeneration and disease arise as a crisis of toxicity.

Restore Balance

Pancha Karma is Ayurveda’s premier tool to reverse the disease mechanisms and root out the causes of imbalance. Pancha Karma’s process draws the ama out of the body’s cells and tissues and returns it to the lymphatic system and digestive tract to be eliminated. Pancha Karma elegantly uses the specific qualities of your constitutional body-mind type, managing the biological forces that carry ama to produce a gentle and complete purification.

Pancha Karma is for those who would like to experience a fully-supported and comprehensive program. The healing power of Pancha Karma allows for relaxation at a deep level, resulting in a deep release that promotes profound healing.

The Therapies

The process of Pancha Karma nurtures the body and consciousness so that it feels safe and calm enough to let go of the toxins that are being held. Pancha Karma encourages release through a mild diet of warm, tasty kitchari, gentle daily self-care practices, oils to s0ften the body, and — most importantly — daily relaxing Ayurvedic massage and nourishing treatments. Mental toxins are cleared from the mind with meditative practices and breathing exercises.

Our Support

Each person’s unique situation is met with an individualized program of herbs, foods, advice, and understanding. The educated support you receive during the Pancha Karma process takes the tension out of the experience so that you can deepen your level of relaxation. Clients emerge with a renewed outlook on daily habits and a vibrant feeling of peace that arises when the body, mind, and consciousness are working together in harmony.

Our Signature Pancha Karma

Our Signature Pancha Karma Includes:

  • 2-hour Pancha Karma Wellness Consultation + Health History + Assessment of your Ayurvedic Constitution
  • Individualized Treatment Plan
  • Dinacharya (Daily Routine) Recommendations
  • Delicious Recipes
  • 100-page Informational Book
  • Daily treatments in-Center for 5 days, which include:
    • Daily Meetings (time to address questions and obtain support during the cleansing process)
    • Garshana (exfoliating and lymph moving therapy)
    • Abhyanga (nourishing oil massage)
    • Swedana (steam therapy)
    • Nasya (nasal therapy)
    • Shirodhara (mind soothing oil treatment)
  • Cleansing Therapies, done at home over 4 days
  • Post-Pancha Karma Rejuvenation Plan
  • 1-hour Follow-up Consultation (a week after your Pancha Karma)

The Benefits of Pancha Karma

The benefits of Pancha Karma include:

  • Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind
  • Restore your constitutional balance
  • Strengthen your immune system and become more resistant to illness
  • Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind
  • Slow the negative effects of the aging process
  • Enhance your self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality, and mental clarity
  • Bring about deep relaxation and a sense of well-being
  • Reduce dependence on medications
  • Implement positive lifestyle changes
  • Improve digestion and metabolism